You will not be able to finish this course without realizing that you’re carrying nations!
You can function as a Prophet or Apostle to the nations through influencing righteous change in the nation’s systems with Divine Revelation into Business/Economy, Government/Politics, Education, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Family and Religion. You know these as the seven mountains of culture or Influence. In Eph 3:5 Paul communicates that in ages past there was sealed revelation which has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. I pray you will be one of those who will proclaim with the angels; Rev 11:15 “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”
Watchman and Prophetic Worship Leaders can be considered Prophets to the Nations also, as they fill the atmosphere with prophetic songs, prayers and warnings bringing agreement with what heaven is saying so that the will of heaven can come to the nations.
Why do you need to take this course?
- You’re going to be activated into territorial revelation and territorial authority.
- You’re going to learn how to take the gifting, mantle, and revelation you have and influence the sphere you’re called to affect, for the sake of your nation or the nations.
- So you must recognise who is your sphere and what are the systems that you’re called to impact.
- Q&A times where I will answer your questions about prophecy and Prophets to the Nations.
- Some people spend their life not knowing their sense of purpose. You will not be able to finish this course without realizing that you’re carrying nations.
My heart cries for a volunteer people in the earth, that is truly the Remnant, the Ecclesia of God in these Last Days.
Are you crying also; “God, we will use our gifting no matter how small or how great for the sake of impacting the nations and bringing you your inheritance, “The Nations”.